25 Good Example Questions to Ask A Psychic About Family, Love Career, and Life

To prepare for a successful psychic reading, it is very important that you write down a list of questions to ask the psychic before the session begins. areas of your life can you improve? where are you fighting? What stress keeps you up at night? If you are in a relationship, what information would you like to receive about it?

If you are new to psychic reading, it can be tempting to start a dialogue without any preparation and “see where it goes”. This approach can be successful, but you can also stamp yourself out by not getting the best answers to the problems and circumstances you face on a daily basis.
In this article, you'll find a list of sample questions you can ask a psychic about love, life, career, and family. In addition, you will also learn how to ask questions in the right way so that you can get the best psychic reading.

A list of sample questions you can ask a psychic

First of all, this is your reading and you can ask anything you are interested in and need guidance on.

However, to get the most out of your experience, we recommend having a list of questions to ask the psychic.

Here are some good examples to inspire you:

Love Questions

Questions about one's love life often draw people to psychic websites in the first place. Perhaps you are wondering about your current relationship or whether you will find love with a new partner.

  • What advice do you have spicing my relationship?
  • How can I improve communication with my partner?
  • Why is my relationship stuck / strained / full of conflict?
  • What do I need to do to attract the partner I want?
  • Where should I look for a relationship?
  • Will I ever get married?
    If you need more information, I've prepared a 9-question guide to asking a psychic about love and relationships.

Career Questions

Remember the golden rule about open-ended questions and don't just ask if you're quitting or getting a promotion.

Instead, ask the following questions:

  • How do I ask my boss for a raise?
  • What career path am I best suited for?
  • I don't like my work situation. What can I do to improve my work life?
  • What steps should I take to achieve my goals?
  • How can I improve my relationship with my boss/colleagues?
  • What can I do to attract more money?

Life Questions

You may not get the answer to the overall meaning of life, but you may gain insight into what is happening to you personally.

During a psychic reading, try asking the following:


  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What can you tell me about a past life?
  • Are my spirit guides trying to communicate with me?
  • Which friends are helpful and which are toxic?
  • What can I do to succeed at work in record time?
  • I feel that something is preventing me from achieving my goals. What changes do I need to make so I don't get stuck?
  • Is there something the universe wants me to know?
  • Are there messages from loved ones who have passed away?


    All families have their own set of unique (but lovable) dysfunctions. And since you can't choose your family, learning to live with what you have and optimizing those relationships is vital to a peaceful and harmonious life.

To improve this aspect of your life, consider asking your reader questions like:

  • What conflicts or struggles are my children facing right now? What do you want that I am not giving you?
  • How do I know when divorce is the best option?
  • What can I do to make my family unit more united?
  • Who in my family needs my help right now? What can I do to help them?
  • How do my in-laws see me? How do you see our relationship?

    How to Phrase Questions the Right Way

    Before discussing what and how to ask psychic questions, it's worth discussing how to phrase the question. The structure of your question can greatly affect the quality of your reading.

Here are some basic guidelines to follow when asking psychic counselors questions:

Ask open-ended questions that require a specific or detailed answer.

Avoid questions that have a simple yes or no answer.

For example, don't ask, “Will I find love this year?” Instead, you can rephrase your question to say: “When will I meet the love of my life? How will I know it's the right time?”

Formulate your question carefully, but don't be too specific. While it's normal to wonder when or how you'll meet the love of your life, it can be unrealistic to expect an answer that mentions a specific date or location.

Instead, your psychic may give you placeholders or pointers to help answer your question. For example, a psychic may tell you that you will find the perfect relationship later in life than you expected, but it will be worth the wait.

Avoid asking questions designed to reaffirm an existing belief.

For example, if you are unhappy with your career, you  tempted to ask, “Should I quit my job?” Not only does this break the yes/no rule, it also frames your question with a bias that is hard to overcome.

Remember that you should go into a psychic reading with an open mind and be ready to listen to the information that the psychic will share. When you ask a psychic a question that seeks reassurance or expresses doubt, it can negatively affect your way of thinking and make you less open to different alternatives.

If you don't like the answer, resist the urge to just rephrase it. Not only will you get the same answer, but you'll waste valuable time reading it and risk offending or alienating your advisor.

Final Thoughts

There will likely be at least a handful of these psychic questions that you want to explore further with a psychic reading.

But, even if none of these seem convincing to you at the moment, you can ask a psychic to give you a general reading. Although you won't be able to direct the direction of the conversation, a general psychic reading can be helpful as it allows the psychic to act more on your intuition about what is most important in your life, giving you the information you need. you can use anytime.

No matter what is going on with you at the moment or what area you would like to improve on, the key to a successful psychic reading is being honest and transparent about your feelings and situation. When you are open to hearing what a psychic has to say, you can really begin to find insight and enlightenment.

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